Friday, December 18, 2009

Things I HATE! Read through,allthough its quite personal...

Nobody is perfect,I'm nobody :)


I HATE people who try to think they know it all,especially when they don't even know the ABC of it.

> I HATE people who slap/hit me,I HATE THEM to the core.

> I HATE people who get constantly jealous of me. Like my new hair-cut for instance...And make dumb remarks like - "Navya,your hair is so twisty" or..."Navya,you have a pin shop on your head". DUDE,that's the point of having a stylish hairstyle!

I HATE people who keep trying to make negative remarks on my language. I love the English language and I am free to express it anyway AS LONG as I don't use foul language.

I HATE people who call me the "e" girl just because I love words with "e"

I HATE people who say my language is (apparently) "Topsy-turvy"...its called "VOICE MODULATION" and its essential...lest you sound like some old lady whose journey is coming to and end.

I HATE people who say "Please don't temme its the 'Twilight' crap again"..."I hate 'twilight'..." WHEN "some" people haven't read it, they should just shut up especially when they're with a PERSON who does.

I HATE people who keep saying things like "Don't do that,I don't like it". (Applies when I do something that's good...or acceptable by my surrounding.) HELLO,its my life. I'm gonna make it large.

I HATE people who call me "Docky" "Dockyard" "Docks" and crap like that BECAUSE - I HAVE A NAME. CALLED NAVYA. I LOVE IT. PLEASE,AHEM...CALL ME BY THAT. No "alterations".

I HATE people who in the "journalism" class try to make fun of the articles I've written/the topic I've chosen - Like "Princess Protection Program" DUDE,its my wish what I wish to write as long its legal and pleasant enough to read. Sure, I'm addicted to Disney. But what's your problem.

I HATE people who cannot appreciate what I do. You don't have to LIKE everything I do. NO one does. But that does not mean you HAVE to go out of your way and say things like "Why do you put such boring layouts for your presentations" AND ALL THAT??

I HATE people who HIT/SLAP people and then run behind me if they get back of "THEM" in the pretext of "protection". You slap someone,be ready to face it.

I HATE people who act as though they "Really" matter to me. MY TIME IS MY TIME. No one can tell me what to do when. I DECIDE. I'm enough grown-up.
Well,that's all for now.
Wrote this in a VERY angry state of mind.


Navya said...

I have NO problems with peope who dislike Twilight - Every one is different...But "they" shouldn't disrespect it! Thanks for understanding :) MERRY Christmas to you too!!!

Nashe^ said...

Wtf! Who slaps you?? LOl merry christmas!

Gothique Prophecy said...

I sooo agree~i havent had time to read twilight, hopefully i'll find some but i dont disrespect it, because being a harry potter fan myself, i wouldnt like anyone disrespecting it either.

Merry X-mas!!!

tharangni said...

yo girl! way to go wid the blog! changin' the link n all!^_^ neva told me?? :'(
and hey... finally!!! eons l8r---i can comment!!! feels like ..........heaven.................!!^_^

tharangni said...

girl........... :'( this reminds of me....... :'( u wrote this in the angry state of mind with me???.......... I'm sooo soorryyy girl!!! :'(

tharangni said...

oh.. and i almost 4got this-i never knew that 'navs' was much beter than docks n dockyard-after what you'd told me the other day.

Navya said...

oH Uhm,yeah....but I LOVE MY NAME!
AND its okay Tharangni,there would have been innumerable times I've irritated've overlooked that...:)

Vandana said...

Heyy!:) Yeah, long time no hear!

Oh wow, lol. Now I guess I know exactly what to say and not to :/

Buuut hey. I love Twilight and Disney too. So it's all good! :) And lol, people SLAP you?!

You tc!